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Gait Assessment

A comprehensive assessment of your posture while standing and during gait, taking note of the alignment and movement of your upper body and lower limb segments.


Who might want a gait assessment?


Whether you are a recreational walker, a weekend jogger, a dedicated runner or just simply enjoy your sports you could benefit from a personal gait assessment. 



Why might this be useful?


You may be new to your activity and keen to be sure your feet and legs are up to the job, you may be concerned to avoid injury while progressing your training or you may simply want a better understanding of your foot function and style of gait.



What is involved?


Taking approximately 30 minutes, the session starts with a physical examination of your feet and ankles to assess their structure and joint motion.  Your overall posture while standing is assessed to identify any anomalies in your upper body, trunk, lower limbs and particularly your foot posture.


Your gait in walking, and if necessary running on a treadmill is then observed and video captured to allow slow motion replay.  Your style of gait together with any anomalies or risk factors for injury can be identified and discussed.  You will be advised regarding your future choice of sports and regular footwear. 



Who will carry out the assessment?


The assessment and feedback will be carried out by Dr Ian Robinson, a Podiatrist with extensive experience in musculoskeletal disorders of the foot and ankle.  You will be provided with a comprehensive report detailing your assessment and recommendations.



How much will it cost?


The cost of the assessment, video recording, report, advice and recommendations is £57.00

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